Tour de Taco
It's all about the Tacos!

JAT Juice  - Gatorade, etc Substitute

I hate Gatorade. The liquid stuff is expensive and only uses Fructose. The powder only comes in lemon-lime and orange and uses all sucrose, which is much too sweet. I also find it is short on electrolytes. The better brands are expensive!

While riding you need water, electrolytes AND calories. Don't skimp on the "Gatorade" mix!


This is "JAT Juice". Dextrose is far less sweet than sucrose, but has the same calories.


1 1/3rd cup dextrose
0-2 TBSP sucrose
1 1/3rd tsp. Lite Salt (50% Sodium Chloride and 50% Potassium Chloride)
1 package "Kool-Aid" - I prefer Black Cherry.
96 oz. water

Mix together all ingredients

Fills four 24 oz. biking bottles


Making this with all dextrose is fine, but NOT at all sweet. I prefer the all dextrose version these days. The amount of lite salt matches my electrolyte needs. Enough water and electrolytes means little or no dehydration cramping. Vary the strength of the electrolytes to your needs. For extended rides, make extra powder and divide into baggies.